Thoughts I am sure a bunch of others have had…..right

Ever had a thought and wondered, who else has thought that? There have been, still is, and I am guessing will continue to be, billions of people on this earth…surely I can’t have a purely unique thought anymore? I am going to go ahead and assume some one…or ones, have already got a blog about it to…right?

I reckon old time people had it easier on this front; I mean once upon a time someone invented the wheel, sleeping bags, hell even balls…..literally one person made something round and bounced it….and here we are many years later and they are every where! Is there anything simply left to invent….or are all the easy ones taken? Did people way back when think this to?

Without today’s communications, did heaps of people invent the same thing and one just got lucky first! That would suck! Imagine sitting on thongs (not the panties….but I guess they are also pretty successful) thinking “nah, no one wants rubber between their toes.” I wouldn’t want to be that guy (or lady).


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